Technology Adoption
My research, including my dissertation, endeavors began with work the adoption and use of technologies by employees. Although I continue to dabble in this area, this stream is mostly in my rearview mirror.
Tackling Poverty in India
This is the current project about which I am most passionate. It is an elaborate study of technology-based initiatives to improve the lives of the poor in India. Dr. Tracy Sykes, who is a faculty member at the University of Arkansas and my former student, is a key collaborator on this work.
Technology Implementations in Developing Countries
Somewhat like the digital divide, and nearly as interesting, are various studies that I have conducted on the implementation of technologies in India and China.
Healthcare and IT
Another project that I hope will have outcomes that contribute to the greater good relate to the healthcare and IT. We examine the implementation of various healthcare IT systems in hospitals, including the Veterans Health Administration, and study their impacts on quality of healthcare.
Knowledge Management
I am involved in several studies related to knowledge management in organizations in China, India and the U.S. Dr. Xiaojun Zhang, who is a faculty member at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and my former student, is leading this effort.
Social Networks and IT Implementations
Using a social network lens, this work aims to shed new light on IT implementation success. Dr. Tracy Sykes, who is a faculty member at the University of Arkansas and my former student, is leading this work.
Business Processes and IT Implementations
I am involved in extensive studies of major IT implementations and concomitant business process change. Dr. Hillol Bala, a faculty member at Indiana University and my former PhD student, is spearheading this work.
Internet Abuse
Despite its many known benefits, Internet abuse is prevalent in the home and the workplace. This project is in collaboration with Dr. Srini Venkatraman, my former PhD student, is leading the charge.
Teams and Project Management
I am involved in extensive studies of the functioning of teams, including their use of agile methodologies for software development. Dr. Likoebe Maruping, a faculty member at Georgia State University and my former student, is the driving force behind this work.
Mobile Technologies, E-Government, and Other Technologies in Hong Kong
I am involved in elaborate studies of e-government and other technologies in Hong Kong. Several collaborators are involved in the various papers, with Professors Kar Yan Tam and James Thong at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Dr. Xin Xu, in whose thesis supervision I was closely involved, are key collaborators on this work.
E-government has become a very important topic in recent years to provide services to citizens in an effective and efficient manner. Dr. Frank Chan, in whose thesis supervision I was closely involved, a faculty member at ESSEC (France), is leading the efforts. Professor James Thong, a faculty member at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, is also a key collaborator in this work.
Cross-Cultural Studies
Several studies related to cross-cultural differences in business and IT related phenomena are underway.